Friday, August 30, 2013

Our Stay at The Sheraton Vistana Villages


Ok, So we have been trying different resorts in Orlando. We come frequently and decided they are all within a good distance to Disney World/Universal/Sea World, that it wouldn't hurt to try other places.

Let's just start by filling you in on the events the day we left for Orlando. We left Friday the 2nd at 4:00 p.m. Thursday afternoon, my baby throws up. Thursday evening, my other daughter throws up. I spend the evening cleaning puke out of the carpet (lovely). I call my husband and say, "Do NOT come home, you're sleeping somewhere else! We don't need both of us sick!" I wasn't sick yet, but knew I would be. He drops dinner off to me and heads to stay at his brothers' condo in SLC. I stay up all night helping my older daughter. She is so easy when sick (no crying, nothing. Just the "I need to throw up" as she walks to the bathroom. Such a big girl! I'm mostly there for drinks of Sprite, back scratches and channel changing :) About 4:00 a.m. I start feeling really sick. I mean REALLY sick! I didn't throw up (my pregnancies have made me pretty resilient against puking--I HATE IT!) but it was miserable! I hadn't slept all night, my husband wasn't there to help and I was miserable! But, all for the cause, right? Char and Stella were both feeling better, so it was fine.

Tigh comes home from work at about 12:45 and I am still in bed, seriously contemplating whether or not I even want to go! We had to leave at 2. :/So, I get up, shower quickly and put my hair in a bun. Once we got to the airport, Tigh dashed to the restroom. GOSH DANGIT! He was sick the ENTIRE FLIGHT! I mean, hiding-under-a-blanket-with-a-barf-bag sick! It was terrible! So, me still being exhausted, juggled two kids the entire 4-hour-flight all alone. :) Thanks goodness they were PERFECT on the flight!! Love my kids and my poor, sweet hubby!

Anyway, we checked into our resort at about 2 a.m. We were so excited to just get in bed and sleep!

I decided to wash Tigh's clothes and such that he was wearing. I went to start a load and everything was fine. About ten minutes later, I heard this really, REALLY loud banging from the washing machine. I stop the wash and could see it was unbalanced. So I rearranged the clothes and resumed the cycle. The banging was still loud! So in my exhaustion, I decided to just not run the cycle and call housekeeping in the AM. I had Tigh shower before bed and he found the fan in our bathroom to be SUPER loud like something was caught in it. After his shower, he realized there were no towels in our bathroom except for a stack of about 8 washcloths. Really? Yes, really. 8 washcloths!! Not even folded! Just lying in a stack next to the tub. So, washcloth it was. We went to bed.

In the A.M. I had Tigh look at the washer (he was feeling MUCH better) and he rearranged the clothes as well, started a new cycle and just as the 'Spin' cycle began, there was the loud banging again! SO LOUD! So we called housekeeping. I had no choice at this point. The clothes needed to be washed! They smelled from sitting in the washer all night!

We decided to just hang out at the resort for the day since we were all exhausted from being sick. Tigh went grocery shopping, I slept while Stella slept and by the evening, we were ready for the POOL! (Which I will post about in a bit.)

Once back, I wanted to clean clothes and we realized the room AC was not working. UGH! I felt like we were at a cheap motel! So Tigh called the front desk, who still hadn't fixed the washer. I told him to tell them we wanted a different room. I finally got on the phone and the girl sounded all sweet an innocent, but I laid into her. Typically I don't do such things, but the room was AWFUL! " We need the A/C fixed, the Washer fixed, the fan in the master bathroom fixed and the shower track for the door fixed. I have 2 kids, I can't worry about this ridiculous things when on vacation! I want a new room." and her response was the biggest lie, "We are completely full, ma'am. I'm so sorry!" I responded quickly with saying, "In the down season you are completely booked? That sounds like a lie." And she then told me she could have someone come and fix it all in 10 minutes. I explained I didn't want some repair guy here for hours while on my vacation! I just wanted a normal room! A room that was actually A ROOM!

---update: I never published this forever ago. I just saw it! It's all coming back to me now. No Bueno. That was not a fun experience!!

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